
Run - Overview

After tapping on Run, the desk will transition into Run mode and open the main operating screen. From here you will be able to operate and program the show.

Depending on how many displays have been configured, what you see may appear on a different screen or display slightly differently. The component parts, however, are the same.

Here is a quick overview of the various components that make up the Run screen. We’ll cover each of them in more detail later in the manual.

Cue List

The Cue List displays a list of the cues that are stored on the desk.

The Cue List

To load a Cue:

  • Click or tap on the cue.

You can also use the [NEXT] and [LAST] buttons on your desk to load the next or previous cue in the list.

A Loaded Cue

To indicate that a cue is loaded, it will be highlighted with a green box.

Cue Information shown in the Cue List

Each Cue listing displays information about that cue:

  • A Cue Number – which must be unique.
  • A Cue Name
  • A Cue Description (Optional)
  • A Cue Colour (Optional)

The Cue Number is used to manage the order in which the cues are displayed.

So in this example “101” is being used for the first cue in the show.

This is typically done because you will usually want to order the cues in such a way that your rig check cues come before the show cues.

The Cue Name describes what the cue does and we also suggest that you include the show cue number, written here as “Auto Q1”.

The Cue Description is optional, but you can use it to add further information like a scene description as shown in this example.

The Cue Colour is also optional, but you can use it to visually group cues in to acts or sequences.


The Layout is configurable depending on your needs. We’ll dig into each section in detail later on.

The Main Screen may also be shown across multiple displays, giving you a large amount of space to arrange things in.

The Layout

The Show/Edit Buttons allow you to switch the software between Show Mode, for running cues and Editing Mode, for editing cues.

The Axis Blocks show information about each axis on the automation system and also cue information relating to that axis.

The IO Blocks show the status of an input or output on the automation system.

The Cue Notes let you show useful information about the cue in addition to the information displayed in the Cue List.

Axis Control

The Axis Control area allows you to switch individual axes from Auto Mode (Cue Mode) to Manual Mode, which allows you to control an axis manually with a joystick.

Axis Control

Joystick Input shows the current input level of the joystick assigned to this axis as a percentage.

Auto/Man Selector shows the current mode of the axis. In Auto mode the axis will respond to its cue information. In Manual Mode the axis will respond only to joystick control. (For more information see Manual Control)

Axis Number/Name shows the number and name of the axis that is associated with this control.


The Sidebar contains useful details and settings that you may require quick access to. Each section can be expanded or collapsed to show

It also gives an overview of the current overall state of the automation system.

The Sidebar

Current Role Indicator displays the role that the desk is currently playing in the automation system, either as the Main desk or the Backup desk. This can be changed by clicking the more icon next to the current role indicator and selecting a new role.

The Layout Section (shown collapsed) contains tools and settings that allow you to adjust the layout of the Main Screen, letting you choose which axes and IO are shown.

The Info Section (shown collapsed) displays additional information about an axis and also allows you to store your own information, like Deads, for use in programming.

The Nodes Section displays the current status of any nodes connected to the automation system.

  • A green background indicates that a node is “OK”.
  • A red background indicates that a node cannot be communicated to/from

Each node can be expanded or collapsed to show the axes or IO associated with that node

Right clicking on a node triggers a connection attempt (see “Dealing with Errors”)

The Global IO Section displays the current status of any global IO. These are inputs or outputs that affect the entire automation system and not just a single axis. So things like the Console Enable switch or Emergency Stops, which affect all axes, can be shown here.

Full System Display - Example

The software will adapt to the size and number of monitors you have connected to the system. Below is an example of how the software displays on a single screen, but the way it displays for you system may vary.

The key components, as described above, will be the same.

An example of a single screen system display

Across the bottom of the screen there are a few final buttons to cover:

More Tap in the bottom left to up a menu with some options for laying out the screen, including zoom options and enabling dragging to rearrange the layout.

Clear Tap Clear to clear any cues loaded on the desk.

Screenshot Tap Screenshot to take a screenshot and save it in a screenshot folder.

Exit Tap Exit to exit the run screen, back to the main menu.